We have houseguests, our friends from Florida. It's been grand having them here but one of the downsides.
1) I have to share the bathroom.
2) I can't walk around in my undies.
Friday morning while everyone was asleep and I was preparing myself for work I had to play, 'the spy in undies.' I went from bathroom, to the spare room [where I normally get dressed, in undies] by peeking around the corner, practically jumping 3 feet back and forth just in case someone woke up to use the bathroom. I moved steathily with the reflexes of a cat. Mee-ow.
I know, I should've used my robe but it get's too hot and it doesn't make sense to sweat after I've showered.
So far the emma/sean household has been a little chaotic. But, I sure am gonna miss these guys after they leave.
I'll be back later!
Good Morning, You Make Me Sick.
Where the politeness stops...and I start.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Thinkin' Outloud...Thursday, August 19, 2004
Thinkin' Outloud...
I enjoyed my day off. I went northbound into Salem and had a wonderful time. I would have pictures but, I forgot to put my memory card back into my camera the last time I was transferring pictures. Silly me.
No phone calls from work. Phew. I kinda wanna call in sick tomorrow, but I won't.
Oh, towards the end of the evening we decided to go to the Comedy Connection to watch Frank Santos, the Hypnotist...or should I say, 'Frank Santos, the Hippotist.'
So anyway, the show was STUPID...stupid, stupid, stupid.
I'm breaking out in hives right now and I don't know why.
I wish I was here again.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Thinkin' Outloud...
Dude. I'm so tired. Today was a long, long, long, day. Especially after the big R's breakdown, but, I don't wanna talk about the 'breakdown,' I felt awful for her.
I spent most the day tying up loose ends as yours truly has taken the day off tomorrow. It is my mental health day. I was planning on staying up very late to watch movies, but alas, I still have to get up to go to an appointment, but the rest of the day is mine, all mine. There is a catch though, because this is an impromptu personal day, I gave the green light to call my cell if they needed me.
If I could be anywhere right now, I'd go to Texas. I miss it. The two weeks Sean and I were there, I savored every moment of it. I had a conversation with a few people who asked, "Where would you move if the U.S was being invaded?" First person said, "I'd go to Europe." Second person, "I'd go to Alaska. No one would go there cuz it's cold."
Me, I said, 'Texas.'
Their responses..."Why the hell would you move there?"
I replied, "Because I'd be able to carry a gun. I'm not gonna leave the country I love, I'm going to defend her."
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Thinkin' Outloud...
There's something wrong if you're bored, at home...and it's close to midnight. I should be asleep. I should be working on a report I've had in my hands for a week and a half now that I specifically brought home to work on, but haven't been.
I'm at a standstill. I feel so useless. I'm layin in bed, flippin' through the channels, watching Roseanne, Full Metal Jacket, and the news, playing with my webcam, and counting the bruises on my legs. You know, yesterday I left one of my drawers open and my knee banged right into the pointy edge. I curled into the fetal position on the floor giggling in pain [I laugh when I physically hurt]for a few minutes.
Thursday I have the day off. After my appointment, I'm hoping Sean and I will drive the coast of Maine, or do something relaxing cuz I'll have to return to the hell hole the next day.
I'm in a miserable mood.
Monday, August 16, 2004
Thinkin' Outloud...
If you don't already know, I collect rocks and shells. While cleaning the apartment today, I found the medium size rock I had kept after I found it stuck inbetween the heel and sole of my high heel shoes. Geez, this is one of my fondest memories, painful, but funny.
Chris, Trish, and I had left the pub from one of the many after work get togethers we had working for ETI. My feet were hurting so bad from walking, I almost took Chris up on his offer to give me a piggyback ride if I hadn't been wearing a skirt. Well, a shopping cart had been left unattended about five miles away from where it should have been...
"Emma, get in." Chris says.
"Um, no thanks."
The next thing I know he grabs me from behind and lifts me into the cart.
"NO! NO! NO!" I protested.
Chris takes off pushing the cart with me in it, and when I say he takes off, the jackass takes off like a bat out of hell. I'm sitting in this cart wearing a skirt suit, I'm trying to cover my crotch area cuz I was squatting in the cart. I'm screaming my head off, begging him to stop but he doesn't. I will admit, I was full of fright, but inbetween the screams, I was laughing like a little school girl. We pass the mini golf, people were staring laughing at my expense...Trish is running beside us, cracking up. We're almost at our office building when up ahead I notice a shift in the curb. I remember thinking, "Oh man, something bad is gonna happen."
I scream out for Chris to stop, he doesn't. The cart hits the shift in the sidewalk, it tips forward, I start to fly out [all the while my right hand reaches to cover my crotch area as I fall out of the cart]. My left hand tries to break the fall. Chris tries to cover my head to make sure I don't crack it open, he falls on top of me and the cart.
Dead silence. Then painful moans.
"Emma. Are you alright?"
All I can do is laugh, but I'm in pain.
"No, I'm not alright." [Laughter]
My left hand feels numb, my thumbnail was bent over, I have a slight gash on my forehead, I look down at my knees and they're scraped.
"Don't look up, just keep walking, Emma, I know you're hurting but just keep walking to the office." Trish says.
I do as I'm told, apparently a cruiser had been parked at the deli and was having dinner. He was watching us the entire time. I get up, walking with an obvious limp when we hear a voice over an intercom.
"Stop right there. Come over here."
All three of us start to walk over but I'm in too much pain to cross the street. Chris ends up walking to the cruiser. Trish is scared shitless. "Oh shit," she says.
Cop: You can't just leave that cart there. Is she alright?
Chris: Yes officer, we're sorry, she's fine.
Cop: Okay well, you can't leave that cart there, bring it back to the supermarket.
Full of relief, we take the cart back to our office, ride it up in the elevator and leave it in Connolly's office.
Chris and I are checking over our wounds, he has two deep gashes in his shin from trying to protect my head from the pavement, his shin hit the prongs in the back of the cart.
We part ways, I go home and clean myself up...wherein I find the rock in my heel.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Thinkin' Outloud...
Did about 8 loads of laundry. Gone through all my junk and now have 7 bags of trash waiting to be dumped. Sorted through the clothes I don't wear and have 4 bags filled, so far. Holding on to memories that just weighed me down, I feel a little relief. I'm not done yet, but I'm gettin' there.
Other than the hodgepodge mentioned above, I went blueberry picking for the first time with Elzilla and Christina. Each of us had to fill a pint, a $3 pint, full of blueberries. We had a race to see who could fill their pint the fastest and Eleanor won. I wouldn've won hands down if I hadn't stopped to take so many g-damn pics of berries.
Here is the field we passed while walking on a paved road. I'm not sure what the hell was growing there.
This of course is the paved road we walked on. Up ahead is Elzilla, power walking. She loves them berries and there's Christina, walking 'O Naturale.
I took a picture of this barn because of the American Flag. It looked so beautiful blowing in the wind.
Let the picking begin.
Yummy in my tummy.
We opted to ride the tractor on our way back to the car. It was kinda awkward cause it was a bumpy ride, fun, but bumpy.
Well there you have it...my very first time blueberry pickin'. After we got off the tractor we went into the Countryish store and shared a pickle, ate samples of apple pie, fried peach.
P.S. After I got home I could not understand why I could smell some sort of shit lingering in the air. It finally dawned on me that I should check my slippers [flip flops to you]. Sure enough, I had stepped in dog shit. Just a little though.
Before I go, I'd like to thank C for helping me out with my blog. She is such a bad ass!