Thursday, August 05, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

Received a pleasant phone call while at work. She told me she missed me and was sorry for not calling in so long.

"I'd like you to come over, even sleep over if you want. We can spend time in the garden, just the two of us."

I gleefully accepted. She knows how much I enjoy the garden. Checked and it should be sunny and mild. We'll be head to foot in the hammock. Maybe even hit the waves and drop anchor.

That's what my weekend will entail, I hope yours will be as relaxing.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

There are friends that you meet, then there are Friends that you meet.

I don't know about you but I find when I meet someone, I can usually tell if I'm going to like/love them or not and allow them into my own little world. It takes a lot for me to trust people and when I do, I give you pieces of me.

Recent findings. Paula.

Paula works in the legal department at the prison I work at as a contract employee, once a week. She is one of the few who welcomed me right off the bat. Even though we only see each other once a week, we treat each other like we've known each other for years, share a mutual respect for each other that we've both earned.

A few days ago Paula informed me that she was offered a position with the irs and her last day would be Friday the 13th. I was heartbroken but was very happy for her. We exchanged phone numbers, emails, fax numbers, you name it, so we could keep in touch. Before I left the prison, she called out to me and said she had something for me.

"Stick your hand out." She says.

I stuck my hand out. She drops a pair of aquamarine stones into the palm of my hand.

"What the hell is this. I can't take these." I say.

"Take them. I collect a lot of birth stones and I only give them to people I like." She replies.

Now, to you that may sound silly, but to me, it meant a lot. I gave her a hug, thanked her.

I don't know where the frig I'm going with this story but anyway, I was touched that she found a friend in me, and wanted me to have a piece of her...geez. does that sound pervish?

Moving along.

I had a very painful migraine Tuesday night. I tried my best to suppress the pain but the pain won. I spent my late afternoon and evening vomitting my brains out. The heat and humidity felt as if it was squeezing my head, sorta like when my big bro would come after me when I was younger with "the claw" (his big banana finger hand) and squeeze my head. I don't know how I did this but mid migraine I jumped in the Jetta and drove with one eye closed to 7eleven, AC blasting. I bought excedrin and found my way back to my porcelain throne. Couldn't even take the excedrin. I lost breakfast and lunch, went to bed.

Woke up the next morning feeling brand spanking new. Got ready for work. Tripped over my vacuum. Wondered why my toe felt weird. Looked down and realized I busted it open.

Debating whether or not I should disinfect it (I'm not good with pain, I've had to be wrestled down in the past by others who felt the need to disinfect my scrapes for me cuz I wouldn't)I stuck my foot under the faucet in the bathroom sink and in unison let cold water run as I pored alcohol over it, too. I stifled a few screams, bandaged myself up.

Okay, I'm rambling. Goin' to bed.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

Today was most certainly a shitty day.

At around 10 AM, our email/internet went down. It was a very unproductive day. I've come to the conclusion that I have to expand my horizons and for the past hour or so have been fluffing up my resume.

I do enjoy my position but I find I cannot endure the environment around me. I'm spent.

Please, God, Mr. Man, Numero Uno, Top Gun, please heed my call.

I won't be around for most of the (Tues)day. You know where I'm at.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

About a boy.

On weekends, I turn into a boy. My femininity leaves my body, I shower less. My legs resemble that of a cacaroach that sports nike breathable shorts and oversized mens cotton tshirts. It wouldn't be right for a boy to wear a bra, so I dispose of mine.

On weekends I make frequent trips to the local 7eleven for blue slurpees. I've had two so far. The middle easterner who owns the store looked suprised to see me looking so unkempt which made him not want to flirt with me like he normally would. I see the guy about twice during the week days, and even more so on the weekends. He's a nice man but I can't understand a g-damn word he says which makes me laugh... He seems to think I'm laughing at what he's saying which makes him joke around more and I just nod my head and giggle. He tells Sean that Sean's lucky cause I'm his girlfriend, and that makes Sean laugh.

I went to walmart today 30 minutes before they closed to buy a pencil case cause my coworkers steal my pens and pencils. I rushed through the crowds to school supplies, and I see the perfect type of case and carefully picked one out from under a sign that said 87 cents. As soon as I turned around the whole stack crashed to the ground. I shake my head thinking, "For some reason, I knew that was gonna happen" and walked away turning as red as a tomato.

I went home and continued talking to my friend I had put on hold to run to Walmart, not bothering to tell her what had happened cause I was so embarrassed.

Have I mentioned that it's hot? Cause it is. Not only did I walk around with unshaven legs, I had humongous welts on them. Heat rashes. I know, sexy.
I'm not going to complain about it though. I have an AC, and, I want summer to last as long as it can.