Friday, April 02, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

As you can see, I am up and fucking about...

Maybe it's the grande caramel macchiato Dr. R was kind enough to buy me that I chugged or, maybe paranoia is creeping in, again...cuz of the office gossip. Whatever it is, I can't sleep. My mind is going a mile a minute. The only thing I'm thankful for is, it's Friday.

Sing me to sleep.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

Had a very stressful week, boys and girls yet, I push on. Full steam ahead.

I've been taking work home to try and catch up but the more I accomplish, more shit gets thrown at me...'Just roll with it,' I tell myself. Finding out some stressful gossip at work from the Big R hasn't helped the situation either...Just roll on.

Right now I am partaking in one of my guilty pleasures, I'm eating lemon wedges sprinkled with salt. I will probably trek over to my favorite Sushi Bar and have more 'Sake Don,' tomorrow. Had it earlier this week when Sean took me out to dinner. If I could, I'd order some right now but I'm too lazy to get up. In fact, I'm suppose to be transcribing...but I'm not. I don't know why raw fish tastes so good to me.

Oh! Earlier this morning, as I was ironing my clothes for the day I hear my cell phone ring.

"It's the big R." I thought to myself. "I'm going to have to take her place because something happend."

Sure enough, it was her and I would be taking her place at the W. Superior Court to present evidence. Her car would not start and I was told that I was her replacement. She wanted me to meet her at her apartment in Boston grab the materials, then drive to W., but I declined and asked that I meet her at the office to be briefed. LUCKILY, she agreed to do that because waiting in our general voicemail box was a message from the W. D.A's office letting her know she did not have to show up - which meant, I didn't have to drive an hour and a half coming and going, which meant, I could have worn my cordoroy jeans instead of the uncomfortable suit in this humid, pouring weather. I quickly ran to my car and grabbed a sweatshirt and my sneakers and changed into partially comfortable attire.

That was how my day started, by the way. The rest of the day seemed to fly by. My two reports that I've been working on for the past two weeks are done, triple checked (my paranoia), and FedEx'ed.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go and finish my last lemon wedge and possibly take the transcribing machine out of my carry and do some work?


Sunday, March 28, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

My first day at a Spa and I...

Loved it. I had a salt scrub done which included a vichey shower.

So like, I didn't know what to do or expect when I got there. I asked Heathuh about the tipping process, and if you HAD to be naked or if they allowed you to wear bathing suits and stuff. I just really didn't know what to do and was uncomfortable being totally naked...

I ended up wearing swimsuit bottoms only. The nice young lady escorts me to the treatment room and starts to tell me what to do. When she said that I had to disrobe, I started to take my robe off and she interrupts me by saying, 'You can disrobe after I leave the room, get on the table and make yourself comfortable. I just thought, 'Okay.' The table has a cushion and a towel on it. She leaves the room and I disrobe, hop on the table, lay on my back naked from the waist up feeling REALLY uncomfortable, so I try to cover up my bazonkas with my forearm. She walks back in and when I look at her, she refuses to make eye contact with me and I'm like, 'uh oh, what'd I do?' She then says to me, 'Um...You have to be under the towel." Totally embarrassed I hurriedly get under the towel I thought was layed down for me to lay on top of. I say to her, 'I'm so sorry I exposed my bazonkas to you." She chuckles but still refuses to look me in the eyes. EEK!!! So embarrassing.

Anyways, the salt treatment ended up being a perfect choice since I have really dry skin. My skin still feels nice. I plan on going back for more.

Saturday was also Heathuh's 'Going Away' party. I had a nice time. Though I was a little disappointed other people didn't show up, I was very happy with the company we had. Thank you Eleanor for all the booze and stuff. I'm sorry you didn't get to have more sour soup. I had cooked it especially for you.