Friday, August 29, 2003

Thinkin' Outloud...

Dear Mare,

I love my apple candle...It scents my whole room...Now I smell you....

Huh? ick....You get what I mean...I hope.



Thursday, August 28, 2003

Thinkin' Outloud...

Today I found a pleasant surprise as I was walking out the door to grab my lunch @ Burger King...(You see, I had just watched a commercial for a triple cheeseburger meal for 3 bucks).
Anyway, there it was...a small package smashed into my mailbox. Bastard mail man.
The package was from Mare which immediately made me smile. I was kinda scared to open it, Mare. I thought it mighta been some sample carb free cookies that you've been eating that I say are gross, and you wanted me to try them...
I halted my trip to Burger King, walked back into the house, sat on the couch and say to Sean, "Look, I got a package." (I love getting parcels)
I don't think he heard me cause he said kinda rudely, "Who's it for?" and I said, "It's for me, that's why I said, Look I got a package." sheesh.
I opened it to find, a mini apple yankee candle, sheer socks with turtles on them, and, and, a loofah ball with a turtle on it!!!! How tacky can you get!!!!!
I laughed so hard but I love them so much. It kinda took me outta the funk I've been in. I showed my new turtle souvenirs to Frodo and Gamera. I think I'm going to hang my loofah turtle in my car.
Thanks so much and you know, you di-in't hafta.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Thinkin' Outloud...

i miss my mom.