Thursday, June 10, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

Today was a very long day. I'm not sure if I actually accomplished anything. I got a report in a week early after doing some heaving editing but that's about it, I think?! I don't think I had anything to eat but CheezIts and Yogurt and the Strawberry Shortcake I made. Me and my two officemates had to stay late. It was a very tiring day. At least it wasn't scorching hot like yesterday.

I got home and had to call Nextel, yet again. I was on the phone with them for about two hours trying to rectify a matter I've been dealing with for four months. I am so tired of Nextel.

Sean took me out to dinner. Driving to the restaurant I noticed this girl "jogging" 'cept she was dressed perfectly, had make up on (I'm talkin' rouge, lipstick, eyeshadow - the whole shebang), with her Mp3 player in tow. Our eyes met and it was like she posed for that one split second when we caught each others eye.

Chripes almighty.

Who in bloody hell gets all schmoozed up to go jogging? I mean, if I can pick up my steak Salad from F & R's in nothing but sneakers and a long coat (wearing underwear of course), I would think someone would go jogging without the frills...right?

WRONG, I'm so wrong. Obviously, after seeing that.

But, it doesn't stop there. One of my bestest friends I hadn't seen in years is still the same way she was in high school. Always checking the mirror, even when going out to grab the mail. I don't hold that against her though. Unless we have somewhere to be, like let's say, a movie...and we're almost late...She's powdering her nose on the way out of the the car, and double checking before we leave the car. I mean, I've gone out with drool still on my face. It doesn't phase me, man.

I dunno. I'm just me. I have my little quirks. I shouldn't be so critical over that girl who went jogging with make up on.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

I found out today that one of the most peaceful places to be in the mornings is my local super market.

I needed to buy more Yo Crunch yogurt (I am addicted to strawberry Yo Crunch) and realized my local super market opens at 6 AM. Got there at 8:30 AM and it was empty. Produce workers were stocking fresh fruit, fresh veggies, greeting me with "Good morning, miss". The best part was not having another shopper's buggy slam into my achilles tendon as I slowly browsed the isles.

It was being Alice in Wonderland.

It's very hot. I almost passed out today. Well, I did as soon as I got home from work. We haven't put our A.C's in yet. I got home at 6 and slept til 8. Woke up all sweaty and gross.

OH! And this morning, I woke up to a bloody nose. It was so hot in my room that my nose bled. Do you know how freaky it is to be half awake, ready to shower then you look in the mirror and you see blood spilling down your face?!?

My favorite show is on.


Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

Top 5 Signs My Period Is Coming...

5. I've had three medium slurpee's in the past two days.
4. I've had two Toll House Chocolate Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches in the past two days.
3. When someone asks me a question, I give them the answer but the word "dumbass" accidentally comes out of my mouth along with it.
2. I go shopping.
1. I get a huge migraine.

Worked on high profile case today. Finished it. Left work. Went to the store, bought new tupperware to hold a cake. Went to the market and bought ingredients for strawberry shortcake. Went to 7Eleven. Bought a slurpee and a Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich. Went home. Took my clothes off. Napped. I dreamt of crinkle fries. Woke up. Called best friend. Couldn't stop thinking about crinkle fries. Put clothes back on. Went to the market. Got sidetracked and went to the mall. Browsed 'till intercom said 'store closes in 10 minutes'. Rushed to market. Bought crinkle fries. Went home. Ate Yo Crunch Yogurt. Fried crinkle fries. Ate crinkle fries doused in salt and dipped in mustard. Baked a cake.

I still have another Toll House Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwich in the freezer.

See ya.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

If you look closely at my right calf, the varicose veins forming behind the kneecap (a little lower) seem to form the words 'You're getting old' a cursive like manner.

I've been keeping a close eye on that particular spot of my leg since the day I noticed a pain coming from that one location of my leg (from standing up for almost five hours - once a week) My family is kind of notorious for V.V's as a majority of them work in the medical field - which requires them to be on their feet a lot. Though, I am not in the medical field, thank goodness (I work at a Prison once a week) I'm glad I stood up for my convictions (and fear of blood) and chose not to go into nursing.

I have my dad's runners legs. Chicken legs. I don't think I've ever seen V.V's on his legs. Hey dad, what am I doing wrong?

Look at this. If I squeeze my calf, the cursive writing turns into a Snoopy.

This is all making me feel old. I'm twenty-eight. Soon, I'll be twenty-nine. Lastnight, I was on the phone with Bing. She started hounding me about when I was going to get married.

"I am not getting married. I don't need to get married."

YOU WANT to be an old maid?!?! She asked, sounding VERY shocked.

"You do not have to get married to be happy and it doesn't make you an old maid. I have a boyfriend and I get asked out a lot by guys. If I choose not to get married, that does not make me an old maid."

***Being in a family like mine, you're always under this gigantic magnifying glass. It's this big thing to be "the old maid" if you aren't attached by a certain age...and let's just sat I'm getting close to it. My last visit to Chicago, every filipino person made it blatently obvious they were trying to get a look at my ring finger. It was very awkward.***

Bing, you just made me feel a lot older than I am and this stupid V.V doesn't help either.

I can play Pictionary with this thing.

I'm gonna go lay down with my right leg in the air.


Sunday, June 06, 2004

Thinkin' Outloud...

I'm havin' one of those days where I just don't wanna go into work tomorrow. I should be asleep but I took a nap today around 3ish and didn't wake up till 8ish. Just in time for the Sopranos.

Now, I'm wide awake.

Whatever happened to just having good 'ole friends? Nowadays it seems that people I've run into have hidden agendas and I can usually sniff 'em out in the middle of introducing myself.

I dunno, whatever.

I'm gonna finish my tea and snooze.