Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Thinkin' Outloud...

Beverly, my fine filipino British friend has informed me that she will be on Nantucket for the rest of the summer. She has gotten the position of nanny. Karen, John and I tried to desperately pursuade her not to take it, but to no avail.
Damn you nanny position, damn you.
She's my only filipino friend I have here, aside from Menchu whom I only see once in a great while (cause she doesn't really drive).
Bev's taking a break from Law School to come to the U.S. It's funny to see her squeal in delight over things us "American's" take for granted. (not including me)

Tomorrow morning, I will be at Volkswagen because the engine light in my car has turned on. This time I didn't panic....well, yet. I wanna know what the frig is wrong, and I hope it's just some electrical problem like it was last time. Although, I feel like they had it set to turn on right about now especially since it's time for my car check up. This time I will not yell at the nice desk clerks and will definitely try hard not to say, "Quit taking advantage of me."

I want to speak of the "Hotdog" incident, but I feel like I've over played it. For those of you whom I spoke to regarding this incident. I'm still pretty pissed off about it.

As Rodney Dangerfield would say, "I don't get no respect."

If I do not type in this thing before July 4th. Have a Happy 4th.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Thinkin' Outloud...

I'm gassy and bloated. I feel anxious.

Does anyone know if Office Max allows you to fax stuff from their a kinko's?

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Thinkin' Outloud...

I had fun this weekend.

I have spent alot of time over at Karen's and John's. (My sorta auntie and uncle)
John's nephew's girlfriend from London is in town for three months. It's cool cause she's a filipino just like me but she's alot specialererer than me because she's a filipino with an English Accent. Everytime we go over their house, we end up staying there 'till the wee hours of the morning talking and laughing. I'm glad she's in town, I get along with her very well.

Saturday we went to SoHo's for a friends birthday. I had a fun time dancing and spending time with some of my friends. I'm getting old, though. After our first round of dancing I felt like I wanted to sleep. I was so tired.
Also, SoHo needs to get some proper ventilation and air downstairs on the dance floor and throughout the lower bar because it was god damned hot down there.

Our Chicago trip has been postponed to a later date. I will be in Boston for the 4th. I'm not sure what I want to do yet but I'm hoping John and Karen will take their boat out.

Well, that's all folks!